Chapter 108: Good Friend
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Nightmare Assault Chapter 108: Good Friend

Everyone looked past him to the next person. This was an old man with white hair. He looked older than seventy. However, he looked spirited and he exuded confidence.

“Bei Qian,” The old man nodded slightly, “I’m a professor at the art school. My speciality is Chinese Paintings.” The elder had great temperance.

The next was the Bushy Haired Fatty. He began cautiously, “My name is Ben Fu. I’m a programmer. I’m 28 but I started my job early. I have been a programmer for 10 years already.” Then, he lowered his head and whispered, “Other than my professional work, I don’t have much expertise.” He knew that in this era, his skill was probably worthless.

Jiang Cheng stared at the man and said, “You’re lying! I haven’t met a programmer who is not bald!” He pointed at the man’s head, “How can you have such great hair?”

Ben Fu shuddered. He quickly removed his wig and shook it to prove himself. “This is a wig. In the third year of my work, I had already started…”

Everyone started to relax when they saw Ben Fu’s Mediterranean pattern baldness.

Then came the turn for the dutiful woman and the seductive woman. The dutiful woman was a standard housewife, and her name was Lee Lu. She had a blue-collar husband and a three-year-old daughter. She normally stayed at home, cooking, cleaning, and gardening. She was a home-ec expert. However, she was not good at anything else.

The seductive woman’s self-introduction was very simple. Her name was Yu Man. She easily admitted that she worked in nightclubs. She pressed her lips and blew a kiss at the men.

Jiang Cheng’s blood boiled. Zhou Rong’s eyes dimmed.

Priest, painter, programmer, nightclub hostess and a housewife…

So far, no one was impressive. He needed people with specific expertise like detective work, analysis, mathematics… and so on. What are these?

He placed his hope on the last two, or rather, the last man. Slowly, Zhou Rong’s eyes burned. As Thousand Cities’ youngest president, he rose to power with his accurate observational skills and eye for talent. This enabled

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