Chapter 317 - Poison Star Ring Is Sometimes Scarier Than Corpse Explosion
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 317 - Poison Star Ring Is Sometimes Scarier Than Corpse Explosion (Teaser)

The Tetrawing Bull King saw that Lin Moyu was silent and spoke again in his deep voice, “No matter who you are, but surviving my punch is an accomplishment. After you die, I’ll erect a monument in your honor.”

"This guy sure talks a lot." Lin Moyu mused, "I’ve already had a tombstone erected for me once, and now he wants to put up a second one..."

"Screw your monument." Lin Moyu snorted, then activated the Enhance Troops skill.

In an instant, the undead troops and Lin Moyu reached their peak state.

Skill: Damage Curse!

The curse unleashed immediately. At the same time, the half-dead Demon Lin Moyu brought with him perished. Together with the one he brought with him, there were now two corpses, which the skeletons flung into the air.

Their target wasn’t the Tetrawing Bull King. Lin Moyu wasn’t arrogant enough to think two corpses could kill a Demon King, even if it was just an avatar. However, with Enhance Troops, the power of Corpse Explosion increased by 500%—not a simple additive boost, but a multiplicative one.

"You dare make a mov