Chapter 305 - Tales About Lin Moyu
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 305 - Tales About Lin Moyu (Teaser)

Night fell, and the sea breeze swept across the island, brushing through the Chuangshi Institute. The island’s protective barrier filtered out the moisture from the sea breeze, making it gentle and pleasant on the face.

Although Lin Moyu had grown up in a coastal city, this was his first time he had seen the stars from an island.

He and Bai Yiyuan stood on the beach, listening to the waves.

Lin Moyu had already joined the Chuangshi Institute and become one of its members. After the assessment, Teacher Zhou took him on a tour of the institute, so he was now quite familiar with the place.

Bai Yiyuan had disappeared somewhere with Mo Xinghe and didn't return until evening.

Bai Yiyuan asked, "Aren’t you curious why I wanted you to join the Chuangshi Institute?"

Lin Moyu never voiced any objections from beginning to end. Bai Yiyuan knew very well that Lin Moyu initially wanted to join the Chuangshen Institute, and his reason was his sister, Lin Mohan.

However, when Bai Yiyuan suggested he abandon the idea of joining the Chuangshen Institut