Chapter 301 - If Anyone Dares To Spout Nonsense, Beat Them Up
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 301 - If Anyone Dares To Spout Nonsense, Beat Them Up (Teaser)

Upon reaching level 37, Lin Moyu’s attributes improved once again, and all his skills, except Corpse Explosion, were upgraded to level 37.

Lin Moyu had hoped to use the large number of corpses—approximately 10,000—to push Corpse Explosion up a couple of levels. It was a rare opportunity. However, the Dragonkind Battle General's interference ruined his plans. First, the corpses were scattered, and in the end, they were destroyed when the other party self-destructed.

Thus, Corpse Explosion remained stuck at level 5.

Lin Moyu realized that grinding Corpse Explosion was more difficult than he thought. Reflecting on the battle, three key mistakes became clear.

First, he hadn’t anticipated that the Dragonkind would possess a summon-sealing skill.

Second, he didn’t expect the Dragonkind Battle General to self-destruct, similar to the Darkfiend Prince. This mutual annihilation strategy was extreme, something regular people couldn’t easily counter. Only Knights with their Extreme Defense skill might endure it.

Third, the Dragonkind legion supp