Chapter 299 - Even Without The Undead Legions, I'll Kill You All the Same!
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 299 - Even Without The Undead Legions, I'll Kill You All the Same! (Teaser)

The Drake Legion was being decimated by Lin Moyu. The seemingly powerful Dragonkind Archers and Mages were falling like wheat to the scythe, dying in the explosions.

Ni Jun was stunned by Lin Moyu’s overwhelming power. His skill seemed to ignore the difference in levels, though the exact mechanics were unclear. What was clear, however, was its terrifying capacity for mass slaughter.

Amidst the carnage, Ni Jun felt a vague sense of danger, as if something ominous was approaching. Zhang Qian, sensing it too, spoke in a low voice, “Something’s off.”

Ni Jun, though still reeling from shock, kept his eyes on the battlefield. “The enemy's legion support is too calm. It’s like he doesn’t care.”

His gaze fixed on the rear of the Drake Legion, where their legion support stood detached, displaying no fear or concern despite the slaughter. His indifference felt unnerving—almost conspiratorial.

Zhang Qian added grimly, “It’s not just him. Look at their troops. By now, any normal force would’ve had a complete collapse in morale. But these Dragonki