Chapter 295 - The Enemy Seems A Bit Mysterious This Time
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 295 - The Enemy Seems A Bit Mysterious This Time (Teaser)

The sky over Fortress No. 6 darkened further, an oppressive stillness hanging in the air like the calm before a storm. All military teleportation formations were fully active, with waves of people rushing in and out. Those arriving at Fortress No. 6 were all level 40 to 59 class users.

Military orders were absolute, and everyone moved with precision. This time, the orders were of the highest level—level 1 military orders issued from Fortress No. 1’s headquarters. No one dared to ignore them.

Dozens of teleportation formations worked in unison, operating with incredible efficiency. Across the nine fortresses, over 600 teleportation formations were sending and receiving troops every second.

Lin Moyu stepped out of the teleportation formation, only to be met by urgent shouts.

“Quick! Get into the teleportation formation! Move out of the way—don’t block others!”

The area was far more crowded than Fortress No. 1, and everyone present was a level 40 high-level class user or above. Lin Moyu stood out, a low-level user in a sea of elites.
