Chapter 287 - Lin Moyu Will Make A Killing This Time
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 287 - Lin Moyu Will Make A Killing This Time (Teaser)

At present, there were still quite a few parties inside the dungeon. Within half a day, many parties had successfully cleared the dungeon. Instead of lingering outside, they dove right back in for a second round.

A party of 12 could only harvest 3 to 6 Dragon Crystals per run. Even if they were lucky, they'd need at least two runs to gather 12 Dragon Crystals.

Mo Yun calculated, "There are 20 human parties in the dungeon right now, with a total of 239 people. Additionally, there are 18 Abyssal Demon parties, numbering 216, and 16 Dragonkind parties, with 192 members."

The combined numbers of Abyssal Demons and Dragonkind exceeded 400.

Lin Moyu did a quick mental calculation, then teamed up with Mo Yun. He turned to Mu Xianxian and reminded her, "Remember to set off your fireworks."

Mu Xianxian nodded, "Don’t worry, I won’t miss a single one."

Mo Yun, curious, asked, "What fireworks?"

Mu Xianxian giggled, "It’s one of my skills—it looks like fireworks."

Mo Yun knew about the Collection Master class but had never encountered one before.