Chapter 239 - Crimson Moon Demon: Lord Rank Demon!
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 239 - Crimson Moon Demon: Lord Rank Demon!

The Dragonkind support screamed in agony, his robust-looking body trembling uncontrollably in intense pain, his wings flapping erratically, almost tumbling from the sky.

The Dragonkind Knight bellowed, pushed away the skeletons, and charged toward Lin Moyu.

However, donning the tortoise shell-like Bone Armor, Lin Moyu paid him no attention.

Skill: Extreme Defense!

The Dragonkind Knight activated his most powerful defensive skill, ignoring the skeletons' attacks, focusing all his strength on attacking Lin Moyu.

Skill: Cross Cut!

Skill: Reverse Wind Sword!

Skill: Shield Smash!

One by one, the Dragonkind Knight unleashed his skills, but they were all blocked by the Bone Armor. None of the control effects could affect Lin Moyu.

A vicious cycle formed on the battlefield: Lin Moyu attacked the Dragonkind support, the Dragonkind Knight attacked Lin Moyu, and the skeletons attacked the Dragonkind Knight.

Lin Moyu, the Dragonkind Knight, and the Skeletal Warriors looked like they stood in line, each presenting their back to the next one.

"Is this what you call a battle?" Mo Yun couldn't help but feel both amused and exasperated.

At this moment, the Dragonkind Archers and Mages redirected their attacks toward Lin Moyu, trying to stop him.

"It's no use!" Lin Moyu simply reapplied the Bone Armor, his attacks never ceasing.

As she watched in astonishment, Mo Yun suddenly received a party invitation from Lin Moyu.

"To avoid friendly fire!" Lin Moyu's voice sounded.

Mo Yun didn't hesitate and joined the party.

Under Lin Moyu's relentless assault, the Dragonkind support was already at his last gasp. Soul Blaze interrupted his skills again and again, preventing him from healing himself.

"Stop, stop!" The Dragonkind Knight bellowed. But it was futile; he couldn't even touch the hem of Lin Moyu's clothes.

The Dragonkind Archers and Mages attacked Lin Moyu frenziedly.

At this time, Mo Yun was like a bystander, free of any pressure. She felt like the Dragonkind class users were strange in the head.

Why didn't they run? Seeing their com

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