Chapter 234 - The Level Is Still Too Low.
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 234 - The Level Is Still Too Low.

The Bone Armor erupted with dazzling white light, its brightness directly proportional to the damage it endured. Enveloped by white light, Lin Moyu heard cracking sounds and saw a web of cracks spread over the Bone Armor.

The Earth Evil Centipede's attack was incredibly powerful, only surpassed by the attack of the Fire Demon King. The Bone Armor could only withstand one hit. A second attack would shatter it.

The Earth Evil Centipede possessed formidable attack power and equally formidable defense. Its Physical Damage Reduced by 30% and Elemental Damage Reduced by 30% traits proved a major headache, rendering the Lich Generals' status buffs useless.

Ultimately, Lin Moyu felt that his level was too low. Confronting the Earth Evil Centipede at level 30 placed him at a great disadvantage. Had he been level 40 and undergone the second class awakening, things would have been much easier. However, with the fight underway, there was no point lamenting things now.

Lin Moyu swiftly recast the Bone Armor, acting as a tank to divert the Earth Evil Centipede's attacks.

The Skeletal Warriors capitalized on the distraction and climbed onto the Earth Evil Centipede's massive body, and their blades descended like hammer on anvil, creating a cacophony of din.

These ordinary attacks failed to inflict significant damage to the Earth Evil Centipede.

The Skeletal Warriors, as directed by Lin Moyu, didn't use their skill.

Simultaneously, Soul Blaze struck again and again, each blow causing the Earth Evil Centipede to howl in agony. The relentless assault inflamed its hatred for Lin Moyu, causing it to completely disregard the Skeletal Warriors crawling all over its body.

The Earth Evil Centipede also ignored the attacks of the Skeletal Mages, its sole focus now on eliminating Lin Moyu.

Lin Moyu repeatedly reapplied the Bone Armor. With his spirit force now aplenty, and its restoration rate astonishingly high, he could sustain this consumption. If it were before, this would have been impossible.

Ling Yizhan and the others watched in shoc

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