Chapter 227 - I'm Going To Kill You Today
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 227 - I'm Going To Kill You Today

Soul fire flickered fiercely and booming sounds rose. In an instant, all the skeletons were injured, including the Lich Generals. None were spared.

Only Lin Moyu, protected by the Bone Armor, shrugged off the attack. Judging from the intensity of the glow released by the Bone Armor, the attack clearly wasn't weak.

The Lich Generals sent back information that their souls had been attacked.

"Soul Explosion!" Lin Moyu deduced that this must be the doing of this skill, directly affecting the soul.

Its effect was somewhat similar to his Soul Blaze. However, Soul Blaze was a single-target skill, whereas the Soul Devour Insect Mother's Soul Explosion was a group skill. And its range was vast, nearly able to affect the entire secret realm.

Skill: Legion Heal!

The Lich Generals raised their staves high, and pale white light shone, healing themselves and the skeletons. Fortunately, Lin Moyu had the Lich Generals.

If it were before Lin Moyu had reached level 30, a few rounds of this skill would be enough to decimate the skeletons. Truth be told, it wouldn't even be a fight.

If it were before, when Lin Moyu had only 300 skeletons, it would be impossible to defeat the Soul Devour Insect King, much less the Soul Devour Insect Mother.

The Soul Devour Insect Mother's spirit force had reached 200,000 points, making its skills extremely powerful.

Damage on the soul level was incomparably painful. Fortunately, the skeletons felt no pain. If it were class users instead, they would probably be trembling in agony, and even if they could endure it, their combat power would be greatly reduced.

Among the people Lin Moyu had met so far, only Xu Yan could endure the pain coming from the soul.

At this time, the Skeletal Warriors had already reached the Spirit Shield and unleashed their skill, and blades glowing red struck the Spirit Shield.

The Skeletal Warriors surrounded the shield completely. 2,000 Skeletal Warriors, piled on top of each other, crawled all over the shield, and their blades slammed into the shield.

At the same time, the Ske

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