Chapter 118 - With A Beautiful Girl Around, Things Are Much More Enjoyable
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Necromancer: I Am A Disaster Chapter 118 - With A Beautiful Girl Around, Things Are Much More Enjoyable

Ning Yiyi's enchanting laughter sounded in the dungeon, dispelling the oppression pervading the hell rank dungeon by a lot.

Lin Moyu didn't speak much, but mostly listened to Ning Yiyi.

As if a dam enclosing a river of words was broken, the bitter experiences she had gone through the past few days poured out from Ning Yiyi's mouth

In the past few days, she has been dispatched on a mission.

She could have gone to Dungeon Hall to raid dungeons and do level grinding, nice and easy.

However, she has been dispatched outside the academy.

She has gone to the level 22 dungeon Ruin Prison.

In order to complete the mission, she had to obtain two items, one of which can be obtained by soloing the ordinary rank dungeon, while the other can be obtained by clearing the nightmare rank dungeon, with other people.

"Dungeons in the wilderness are much more difficult than dungeons of the same level in the academy."

"I went to the level 22 dungeon Ruin Prison and soloed the ordinary rank dungeon. In the process, I almost died several times."

"Afterward, I teamed up with several people and raided the nightmare rank dungeon. However, the people I teamed up with, their equipment was trash. They used iron rank equipment and silver rank weapons."

"They were all level 22 class users, yet when it came to dealing with the nightmare rank boss, they asked me -- a level 20 Assassin -- to be at the forefront."

Lin Moyu smiled inwardly as she poured out her heart.

Dungeons in the wilderness are indeed more difficult than dungeons of the same level in Dungeon Hall, but not by much.

Nevertheless, even if it's ordinary rank difficulty, going solo still entails quite a bit of danger.

The equipment and skills of ordinary people are naturally not as good as those of academy students.

With motley equipment and skills, it naturally wouldn't be easy to raid dungeons.

Lin Moyu was not only amused but also worried.

Ning Yiyi said, "However, I am awesome. I smoothly completed the first mission and received the reward."

As she spoke, she lifted a fair hand and

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