Chapter 952: Alien
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 952: Alien

"There is no light here, and the staircase has no railing. If you miss a step, you might die." Bai Xian stuck close to Han Fei. The second layer was already a lot for him, much less the fourth layer. "The scariest thing about the nightmare is you'll never know when the ghost will appear."

"Don't scare yourself. Look around. There's a reason behind everything. We just need to focus on solving it." Han Fei and Bai Xain entered the building on the left. The building was filled with construction materials. Some of the iron rods pierced through the cement. If someone tripped, they might be impaled by them. Han Fei moved around the first floor and stopped. "What is that?"

On the empty space outside the left window, Han Fei saw a broken telescope. Han Fei looked up. "The telescope fell from a high spot. But why would someone bring a telescope here? What were they looking for?"

There was a pair of old children's shoes in the mound near the telescope. The strange thing was the shoes showed different stages of wear. Han Fei kept the two things and signaled Bai Xian to follow him.

"Come. Let us go upstairs."

The building had seven floors. It had no railings, and some places were unfinished, so it was not easy to climb to the top. Han Fei came to the second floor, and the atmosphere shifted. As time passed, the nightmare became scarier.

"There are children's footprints on the ground. It seems like they were hiding on this floor." Han Fei followed the trail.

"This place is so dark. How did you find the footprints?" Bai Xian had to look for a long time before spotting them.

"You haven't studied crime scene details available to the police."

"Brother, why would an actor study something like that?" Bai Xian noticed Han Fei had a scary instinct when it came to criminal stuff.

Han Fei moved the old metal pipes to the side. Three small figures curled up in the corner.

"Don't be scared. We're not bad people." Han Fei stared at the three kids. They had their schoolbags and were quite young. They were pretty and cute.

"This p

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.