Chapter 49: Man-eating Room
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 49: Man-eating Room

Neither party made their move. As time progressed, the fear in Han Fei’s heart dwindled. In a few more minutes, he’d complete the hidden mission. Once that was over, the situation would have another tectonic shift. The landlord’s ring gave Han Fei a frostbite. However, despite being stuck between two ghosts, he was surprisingly calm. Han Fei teetered between the world inside and outside the room carefully. He stood right at the entrance into his ghost neighbour’s lair, but Han Fei still had a very polite smile on his face.

Room 1051 was swaddled in darkness. The blood red eyes appeared to materialize out of thin air. Han Fei was unable to tell what their owner looked like, but he felt acutely the dangerous presence given off by the creature. It was more than just a chilling presence, it carried a unique form of malice with it, specifically a glutinous desire. ‘My neighbour from Room 1051 wants to eat me?’

Han Fei had raised a loud commotion earlier. Strange noises came from the other floors. The ghosts behind and in front of Han Fei became agitated as if worried that other ghosts and monsters would come to join this party. Heavy breathing came from behind Han Fei. The syrupy liquid once again dripped onto his back. Five stick-like fingers reached into Room 1051 as the ghost behind Han Fei attempted to pull Han Fei out. But once its fingers crossed the threshold into the room, the ‘darkness’ morphed into a thick liquid and surged towards the entrance. The hand failed to land on Han Fei for it was held in place by the condensed darkness that originated from inside Room 1051.

‘The tenant of Room 1051 can melt into its surrounding darkness.’ Han Fei thought back to the black figure he saw earlier. It had no face and it did not wear any clothing. It was just a human outline. ‘There really are all sorts of tenants inside this building.’

A low growl emitted from behind Han Fei. The latter did not turn back to look. He tried to minimize his presence as the two ghosts got caught in the conflict. ‘Fight, yes, please fight ea

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.