Chapter 258: We're all Mad
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 258: We're all Mad

Of all the individuals Han Fei had encountered, Spider was undeniably the most complicated one. He had 9 different personas, sometimes even he couldn’t recognize himself. Consumed by the bloody torrents, the curse on Han Fei was suppressed and his wounds healed. Strength returned to him but the pain didn’t alleviate, if anything, the pain had gotten more intense. Han Fei inspected his wounds and realized that each wound possessed 2 kinds of curse. The Spider did not know how to remove Butterfly’s curse, so the only thing he could do was to apply a deeper curse on Han Fei, to use poison to fight poison. Spider bore the sin and murder accumulated at Cattle Alley alone, now he was applying a small part of it on Han Fei’s wounds.

The pain caused Han Fei to roll amidst the blood water. Seeing how energetic Han Fei was, Spider left him be and turned his attention instead to the Doctor and the Reader. The black blood threads around his heart disappeared but the strange butterfly pattern had imprinted itself on the heart. It had become a part of the heart of Kindness. The heart was now inside Spider but Spider didn’t dare to use the power of the heart lest the pattern of the Butterfly continued to spread. The wound on his chest closed and Spider rebirthed through the flesh from endless pig-faced monsters. His body was slowly returning to normal, his every movement influencing this dirty world. His face became more defined. Spider stood on the ruins of the House of the Butcher and found himself surrounded by 3 scary figures.

As the manager, he was the most powerful threat at Cattle Alley, even in his current state, no one would win him in an individual fight. However, if the 3 figures worked together to attack Spider, then the situation would be different. Therefore, the result of the fight depended not on Spider but on the out of control Xu Qin. If Xu Qin decided to work together with the Reader and the Doctor to become the next manager at Cattle Alley, then things would be very dangerous for Spider. However, if Xu Qin wen

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.