Chapter 189: Fifteen Deaths and Fifteen Rebirths
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 189: Fifteen Deaths and Fifteen Rebirths

Only by killing Ma Manjiang that Han Fei had the hope to clear this mission, coincidentally that should be Jin Sheng’s biggest wish as well. As the chill wind crawled into his sleeves, Han Fei stared darkly at Ma Manjiang’s monstrous face. Compared to Han Fei, Ma Manjiang appeared perfectly at ease since everything was within his control. Han Fei was like a bug caught in his palm, no matter how hard he struggled, he was not going to escape.

‘Using different faces, Ma Manjiang has managed to gain the trust of most people at this school. Be it physical strength or number of supporters, he has the advantage over me but…’ With bloodshot eyes, Han Fei stared daggers at his nemesis. Ma Manjiang could kill Han Fei as many times as he liked but as long as Han Fei still had shreds of his memory left, then he would have the chance to turn the table around. ‘I need to prepare adequately before I launch my attack because that single attack has to be fatal. I need to use every resource available to me to construct a stage that will leave Ma Manjiang dead!’

The fear faded away. The more Han Fei got to know Jin Sheng’s memory world, the greater Han Fei’s desire to kill Ma Manjiang. This bloody monster deserved this punishment. Footsteps came from outside the infirmary. Ma Manjiang was still staring at Han Fei from the 4th floor so it had to be someone else.

“Teacher Ma said that there is a thief hiding inside the infirmary! Guys, come with me! We have to protect our school! We mustn’t let him get away!” Lee Xun and a few students’ voices came from the corridor. After hearing that, Han Fei jumped out the window and slid down the pipe. This place was not safe anymore. When he landed on the ground and looked up, despite the grey fog, Han Fei was certain that Ma Manjiang had moved away from his post.

‘The manager mission requires me to locate Jin Sheng. To stop me from doing that, Ma Manjiang would definitely head towards the hostel and consume Jin Sheng first. Of course, that is if the hostel manager was not lying to me earlier.’ Ha

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.