Chapter 103: Game of Cat and Mouse
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My Iyashikei Game Chapter 103: Game of Cat and Mouse

Ever since Han Fei showed him the ropes, Zhan Yueyue looked up to Han Fei. While he played the main character, Han Fei could easily bring into life the positivity of hope in face of death and despair. He radiated tenacity and belief in every scene despite all the reasons not to. However, in Zhan Yueyue’s personal opinion, Han Fei made a more charming antagonist than protagonist. There was a mysterious allure about the man that inspired awe and fear, there was grace in his character’s madness. Zhan Yueyue played a minor antagonist in the movie as well but the young man knew how big the difference between himself and Han Fei was. Zhan Yueyue did try to improve his acting but for some reason, he was unable to bring himself to Han Fei’s level. It had been boggling him the reason why but at that moment, something cleared for him.

Han Fei’s acting talent originated from within. Zhan Yueyue did not know how to really describe it. In a few scenes, Zhan Yueyue could easily believe that Han Fei was not really acting… Or rather the Han Fei before the camera was the real Han Fei.

“But this is still a serious issue. I need you to inform Director Jiang about this so that everyone will be more cautious.” The Butterfly was still out there and the madman might come after the crew so Han Fei’s warning was not unfounded.

After the lunch break, Han Fei returned to the set. His working speed could only be described as horrifying. None of the crew had encountered an actor like Han Fei before. He only needed a few minutes to memorize all the lines. During the shoot, he wasted no time to get into character. Many scenes were wrapped up with one uninterrupted shot. His every single action was meaningful. Not one frame was wasted. Soon the indoor scenes were done. Then, the crew waited around for night to fall to start the night scenes. Han Fei assumed the character the minute he was called into the scene. The shoot wrapped up at 10 pm, a lot earlier than expected. After bidding farewell to the crew, Han Fei removed his make-up and headed ho

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Novel Notes

My Iyashikei Story has officially ended at Chapter 1000. Gain Early Access to the translation of the entire story by subscribing to my patreon.

The chapter release rate on this website will be one chapter per day, so eventually, the whole book will be on the site.