Chapter 122
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Based on Wang Duoduo and Zhou Lan's interview records, it could be seen that Sun Chenxin had said the same thing as Liu Qianqian.

The two had coincidentally met on a bus, had dinner together, and watched a movie together in the evening.

It might seem that Suspects No.1 and No.2 had created an alibi for each other, but in a situation where the killer most likely had accomplices, such an alibi couldn't be relied upon.

Before summoning the two of them, though, Jun Zishu decided to invite one person to the station to assist in the investigation.

Li Xunyi sat in the police station wearing a knitted shirt and a pair of jeans, her expression looking somewhat nervous.

Li Xunyi was a pretty girl, her appearance looking poetic like her name.

"Don't be nervous. I invited you here to learn more about the situation."

Jun Zishu sat on a swivel chair in a relaxed posture.


Li Xunyi nodded, her behavior still looking unnatural.

"Why won't you look me in the eye? Am I that scary?" Jun Zishu said somewhat jokingly, a smirk on her face.

Li Xunyi raised her head to look at Jun Zishu in response. However, she quickly lowered her head again when she locked eyes with Jun Zishu.

Li Xunyi's expression and subtle movements showed that she was currently in a fearful state. Fear of who? Jun Zishu? Or the upcoming inquiry?

This situation was abnormal, and Jun Zishu deduced that Li Xunyi was probably another insider.

"You're not scary. You look very beautiful, Officer."

"Thank you for the compliment. Now, let's get started."

Li Xunyi nodded, her eyes fixated on Jun Zishu's legs as she tried to avoid making eye contact with Jun Zishu.

"What's your relationship with Chen Yin?"

"Normal friends."

"Some people say that you are good friends."

"She doesn't like me that much. I only meet up with her when Sun Chenxin invites me out. I don't usually cross paths with her in private."

"Does Sun Chenxin like you?"

"We're just friends."

"Where were you in the afternoon on the 19th?"


"And in the evening?"

"Sun Chenxin asked me to watch a movi

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Novel Notes

Other novels I translate on Hosted Novel:
Pantsu Hero Alice (PHA)(Panties)
Give Me Another Smile (GMAS)(Yuri/GL, Reincarnation)
Snow-Kissed Rose (SKR) (Yuri/GL, Urban, Idol Survival Show)