Chapter 540: Blank Paper Floating, as if Life Itself
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 540: Blank Paper Floating, as if Life Itself

Chen Chao’s greatest trump card had never been the notion that some important figure would save his life at a critical moment, nor was it the mysterious white mist. It was that single page he had discovered earlier in the Sublime Bright Sect.

That mysterious piece of paper, written with unknown characters, had always been carried by Chen Chao.

This page had saved Chen Chao’s life many times before.

And this time, he expected it would be no different.

The paper hovered in mid-air as the torrent of demonic qi surged forward, finally coming into contact with the mysterious sheet of paper.

At last, a brilliant golden light appeared once more between heaven and earth after a long absence.

The wind and snow seemed especially dim in the presence of this golden light.

The ominous black demonic qi, which had initially blotted out the sky and the sun, now seemed like the faint glimmer of a grain of rice, utterly insignificant compared to the radiance of the full moon.

This mysterious piece of paper of unknown origin remained a mystery to Chen Chao even now. He had only managed to discern a single word, “I,” from its contents. Beyond that, he could only speculate that the cultivator who wrote this page must have long surpassed the Nepenthe Realm and was a powerful and mysterious figure not of this era.

One last thing he had learned was that this page did not kill, but it grew stronger in the face of strength.

Chen Chao had lured the great demon into going all out because he intended to use this piece of paper to severely wound the great demon in front of him.

In the face of this page, the Nepenthe Realm seemed utterly insignificant.

In an instant, countless waves of demonic qi were suppressed by the golden light, and then devoured by it. The great demon's face twisted with shock and fury, as he sensed an overwhelmingly powerful force, far beyond anything he could resist.

He did not know just how strong this force was, but he thought to himself: even if His Majesty himself attacked with full force, it would be no

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