Chapter 489: Court Session
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 489: Court Session

On the day of Cold Dew, the morning court session proceeded as usual with prior notification, leaving most court officials with solemn expressions, lacking their usual casual demeanor. Chen Chao departed from the Left Guard's office, riding in a carriage with Song Lian who had nothing on him, while Chen Chao carried a saber at his waist. As the only military official with the right to bear arms into the palace for a court session, Chen Chao understood the need to keep a low profile. But after careful consideration, he felt something was amiss without his saber. Thus, he disregarded the public criticism, knowing the privilege of carrying arms was granted by the Emperor's decree, so no one would dare to object in public.

But even so, as the sole military official allowed to carry a saber, Chen Chao attracted numerous gazes when he got off the horse carriage. Emotions among the military officials varied greatly, a mix of envy and jealousy, while the feelings among most civil officials were far more complicated.

Song Lian kept his eyes straight ahead. The Emperor had specifically invited the entire warden faction to attend the court session this time, and Song Lian knew the reasons behind it. As for Chen Chao, he walked in silence too, closely following Song Lian.

Since it was not a grand court session, the protocol for entering the palace was less strict. Civil and military officials mingled together, all walking with whomever they were normally on closer terms with. An intriguing phenomenon was noticeable: military officials rarely walked alongside civil officials, while civil officials mostly stayed grouped together, within similar ranks.

In the Great Liang Dynasty, being an official required more than just scholarly knowledge, many people had to study social dynamics too. Otherwise, one could easily face subtle retaliation. This place was right under the Emperor's eyelids, where opportunities for rapid advancement were numerous, but one had to be exceedingly cautious at the same time, as a single misstep could

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