Chapter 475: Not Just the Great Liang
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 475: Not Just the Great Liang

"By the way, give us more green bamboo. Mountain Lord wouldn't mind, right?"

Li Heng looked at Yang Furen, who just shook his head. Sword Qi Mountain had plenty of green bamboo, forget about building a bamboo house, even if it was a palace, there would be plenty to spare too.

After a moment of silence, Yang Furen spoke up, "Mr. Li, this old man has thought over the request from the Great Liang again and again. But right now, it's not doable."

This was the first time Yang Furen explicitly refused Li Heng, but Li Heng did not seem as disappointed as expected. He just looked at Yang Furen and said, "I expected this outcome."

Yang Furen was somewhat taken aback.

Li Heng said calmly, "It was too fast, not giving Sword Qi Mountain enough time to prepare. But more importantly, it didn't give the foreign lands enough time to accept it. If you really agreed, would Sword Qi Mountain have an easy time afterward?"

"Of course not. You have to consider the reputation and the situation of your Sword Qi Mountain. These are things I completely understand."

Yang Furen smiled bitterly, "Thank you for understanding, Mr. Li."

"But those items will still be delivered to Sword Qi Mountain. Neither you nor I can change His Majesty's will. Sword Qi Mountain will accept them, and having accepted them, there should more or less be some token of appreciation."

Li Heng had taken a step back, but this was something he had anticipated, so he was not disappointed.

Yang Furen nodded, he could naturally accept this. "What exactly is Mr. Li asking for?"

Li Heng shook his head and smiled. "This matter cannot be discussed between Mountain Lord and me. Someone else will speak with Mountain Lord. But remember, his decision is His Majesty's decision. He can represent His Majesty."

Yang Furen was not a fool. He immediately thought of Chen Chao and asked in confusion, "Such an important matter, is Mr Li entrusting it to a young man?"

Li Heng shook his head thoughtfully and said softly, "It's not me, it's His Majesty."

Yang Furen fell silent.

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