Chapter 460: We Like That Cicada
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 460: We Like That Cicada

"If the Saintess continues like this, how do we explain it when we go back?"

"Yeah, originally this trip to the Infatuation Daoist Temple was to comprehend that scripture, but the Saintess hasn't been entering the Scripture Library these days, what should we do?"

"I thought the Saintess was just a bit playful, but she's usually quite sensible. How did she end up like this once we arrived at the mountain?"

"It can't go on like this."

"I know, but what can you do about it?"

"She's the Saintess, what can we do?"



In the Infatuation Daoist Temple, during the height of summer, the two female attendants escorting the Saintess Zhu Xia stood under a tree, listening to the cicadas chirping. They were feeling extremely troubled. There was only one thing that could trouble them so much: the Saintess was supposed to come to the Infatuation Daoist Temple to study that scripture. However, for some reason, she had been merely wandering around the mountains these days, refusing to enter the Scripture Library to study the scriptures. This matter caused them great concern.

"I don't care anymore. We have to say something no matter what. If this continues, we'll surely face disciplinary actions when we return to the mountain. The Palace Lord may not want to punish the Saintess, but would he hesitate to punish us?"

One of the female attendants made up her mind to speak up, looking at the other attendant, who nodded in agreement. Then, they both headed towards the bamboo courtyard together. However, they soon exchanged a glance full of helplessness. The Saintess had slipped out again.

"What are we going to do?"

One of the female attendants spoke with a worried expression, her face full of worry.

"We can only wait for the Saintess to return. After all, we're guests here. Wandering around the mountain like this is simply not acceptable."

The other attendant sighed and nodded. There seemed to be no other solution at present.

Though they accepted the current situation, the two attendants were still deeply concerned. Amon

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