Chapter 458: A Coincidental Story
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 458: A Coincidental Story

The actual contents of the decree did not matter, what was crucial was that the Great Liang Emperor's will had been conveyed.

In reality, the Great Liang Emperor would not truly issue any decree to Sword Qi Mountain. Some things are better left unsaid; expressing them outright would be a loss of face.

Chen Chao handed the decree to Yang Furen and joked, "Mountain Lord, you wouldn't have the urge to kill this junior now, right?"

Yang Furen forced a smile, "How could I dare? If you die on Sword Qi Mountain, do you want Sword Qi Mountain to be buried with you?"

Chen Chao smiled bitterly.

Yang Furen took the decree and glanced at it, finally feeling a sense of relief. The worst-case scenario would have been the decree containing explicit commands from the Great Liang Emperor, which would put them in a difficult position whether they helped Chen Chao reforge his saber or not. With the decree being blank, it left Sword Qi Mountain some face. As for the decree's arrival at Sword Qi Mountain, Yang Furen sighed deeply, unwilling to dwell on this any longer.

Yang Furen put away the decree, looking at the swordsmiths before him and sighed, "Was this all necessary?"

The swordsmiths remained silent. At this point, they understood the meaning behind the Great Liang Emperor's actions. Since that was the case, what else could anyone say?

There was no room for choice, they could only comply.

"No matter what, this old man won't contribute."

Wen Hu said, waving his sleeves as he prepared to leave. His expression was extremely ugly, as he had been among the most vehement objectors.

Yang Furen asked, "And what of your previous claims about Sword Qi Mountain facing destruction? If you were so righteous and selfless, what was that all for?"

Wen Hu was stunned by these words. Indeed, earlier, they argued that reforging the saber for Chen Chao might bring disaster upon Sword Qi Mountain. Now, refusing to forge the saber might bring the same disaster.

Since that was the case, what grounds did he have to say he would not contrib

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