Chapter 449: The Same People on the Mountain and Below the Mountain
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 449: The Same People on the Mountain and Below the Mountain

Listening to the shirtless swordsmith approach and start talking, Chen Chao stood on the spot for a moment without saying a word.

The burly swordsmith paused, thinking the young man before him was considering his offer. After a brief pause, he began to boast again, "Fellow Daoist, I'm not bragging. The flying swords I, Zhao Dashan, forge might not match those made by the grandmasters up on Sword Qi Mountain, but around here for hundreds of miles, I have a great reputation. Many sword cultivators in our Yellow Dragon Prefecture use my flying swords. You know Xu Bai, right? The flying sword he wields was forged by me. Look at him now, he's one of the top sword cultivators in Yellow Dragon Prefecture!"

Chen Chao still did not speak, his gaze fixed on the nearby path leading up the mountain, where many sword cultivators were ascending and descending. Returning to his senses, he smiled at the swordsmith and asked, "Of the sword cultivators who come here, how many actually manage to climb the mountain? And how many get what they wish for and leave with a flying sword?"

Seeing that the young man's questions had nothing to do with his flying swords, Zhao Dashan felt a bit displeased but still replied gruffly, "Who knows how many sword cultivators have traveled from far and wide to come here? In any case, very few manage to be let in by those guys on Sword Qi Mountain. As for taking a flying sword from the mountain, if it were that easy, they wouldn't be so cherished."

Chen Chao nodded, then casually asked, "If someone manages to take a flying sword from the mountain, could it be stolen from them along the way?"

Zhao Dashan frowned, "Of course, such things wouldn't be done openly. As for whether it happens behind the scenes, who would tell you?"

Chen Chao murmured, "So, if one day a sword cultivator who stole a flying sword becomes famous, and Sword Qi Mountain discovers that the sword was meant for someone else, would they cause trouble for him?"

Zhao Dashan who did not have a good temper in the first place became i

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