Chapter 442: Can't Draw His Saber
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 442: Can't Draw His Saber

Chen Chao reached for the hilt of his saber, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Killing intent also began to appear.

However, the young woman quickly looked at him, raising an eyebrow, "Do you want to kill me?"

Chen Chao clicked his tongue and said, "What's this? The villain is accusing the victim first. Weren't you the one who showed killing intent first?"

The young woman narrowed her eyes, her pupils turning completely white again. She stared at the young martial artist in front of her, whom she had never met before, and said, "You've killed many demons."

Chen Chao mimicked her smile and said, "And you have killed many people."

The young woman said indifferently, "Then you can go and die."

Chen Chao stood up, shrugged, and said with a smile, "Perfect, I was thinking the same thing."

The saying "words are a waste of breath if there's no common ground" applied to both of them. After a brief exchange, Chen Chao moved swiftly, closing the already short distance of several dozen feet between them. He reached the young woman without hesitation, pressing his hand onto the head of this unknown demon. As his qi surged, he intended to explode her head with sheer force. However, he underestimated the woman. As his qi surged, the woman also gathered demonic qi in her hands. Just as Chen Chao wanted to kill her in one blow, she pushed her palms forward, hitting him squarely in the chest. In that instant, Chen Chao felt qi surge like crashing waves in front of him. Despite his resilient body, he found himself uncontrollably pushed back over a dozen feet.

Chen Chao was greatly shocked, this young woman's cultivation realm was beyond his expectations.

Caught off guard with her head pinned, even if it was only for a moment, a hint of killing intent appeared in the girl's eyes. After pushing Chen Chao away, she ignored his status as a martial artist and immediately advanced, aiming to strike his head with her palm, intending to smash it off.

Chen Chao initially intended to draw his saber, but with the girl's fierce momentum,

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