Chapter 440.2: Won't Be Able to Utilize Your Connections to Bully Others - Part 2
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 440.2: Won't Be Able to Utilize Your Connections to Bully Others - Part 2

Xu Bai's face was flushed, clearly caused by his hastiness. This sword cultivator who owed Chen Chao a favor arrived next to him and exclaimed, "Upon learning of the situation here, I immediately thought of Fellow Daoist. We hurried here as fast as we could. Thankfully, we didn't arrive too late."

After seeing Xu Bai, the middle-aged swordsman's expression stiffened, and he said with a frown, "Xu Bai, are you also getting involved in this matter?"

As a well-known sword cultivator in Yellow Dragon Prefecture, he naturally recognized Xu Bai. Unless necessary, he preferred not to provoke him.

"This Xu owes a debt of gratitude to this Fellow Daoist. Whatever happens today, this Xu is getting involved!" Xu Bai stated calmly. Although this Great Beyond sword cultivator was just an itinerant cultivator, his cultivation realm was not low. Even ordinary disciples from major sects were not willing to provoke him.

Even the warden did not open his mouth to speak at this moment.

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged swordsman spoke again, "Xu Bai, what if I insist on getting that flying sword?"

Xu Bai replied calmly, "Then it will depend on whether you can defeat this Xu."

As he spoke, Jiang Ying had already handed over her flying sword. Xu Bai's flying sword was damaged, this couple had no other choice.

The middle-aged sword cultivator's expression darkened, while Chen Chao smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Xu, there's actually no need for you to get involved in this matter."

Xu Bai smiled back, "Fellow Daoist, you may have great abilities and may not fear, but since this Xu knows about this, how can I not come? This Xu cannot do something so ungrateful like not repaying your kindness."

Chen Chao nodded, saying, "Speaking of which, my appearance here today was actually to find you."

Xu Bai was taken aback for a moment but then said, "Let's resolve this matter first?"

Chen Chao spat out a turbid breath, shook his head, and said, "It's not that troublesome."

He took a step forward and looked at the local warden,

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