Chapter 282: Never Changed
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Martial Cultivator Chapter 282: Never Changed

After cultivators stepped into cultivation, they were unaffected by the changing seasons. Therefore, the four seasons probably could not give them any feelings throughout the year.

Hence, they would often forget the passing of time too.

Chen Chao looked at the falling snowflakes and then realized that it should be early winter in the fourteenth year of Tianjian. Before long, after crossing this winter, it would be the fifteenth year of Tianjian.

After his momentary distraction, the lightning had already descended.

Chen Chao's first encounter with lightning spells was when Song Changxi used it. After that, he witnessed Yun Jianyue and the middle-aged daoist's lightning spells. Yun Jianyue's lightning spells were stronger than Song Changxi's, not to mention the lightning spells used by the middle-aged daoist.

Now looking at Song Changxi's lightning spells, Chen Chao shook his head, no longer feeling the horror.

If a person has been to a peak and seen the scenery there, how could they possibly be moved by a clump of weed at the foot of the mountain?

A bright saber light appeared between the two. Chen Chao's hand gripping the saber had the webbing between his thumb and index finger split open many times. Now that it scabbed over again, it looked somewhat ugly, but the issue was not that. The repeated tearing of the webbing between his thumb and index finger made his grip on the saber more firm and stable.

His fight with the middle-aged daoist was a valuable wealth in his cultivation life, and this wealth would be useful until he reached Nepenthe Realm.

A lightning bolt fell, carrying the might of thunder. Song Changxi's cultivation realm seemed to have grown slightly stronger again compared to before. It seemed that in this ruin, he had truly been inspired and had gained some lucky chance once again.

As one of the geniuses in Daoism, even though he had lost to Chen Chao, he was indeed a genius. A genius would never stop progressing. In other words, how can one who remained stagnant be called a genius?

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