Chapter 41: Too Many
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 41: Too Many

Back when Constantin XI was younger, he had gone through a phase where he fought hard to revitalize the Eastern Romain Empire, determined to bring back its glorious days.

He first pushed forward changes in Morea by restoring the Romain Empire’s tradition of legionary, forming a legion comprising several thousand civilian soldiers. At the same time, he struck a few deals and acquired the support of the western Crusaders.
(Legions are civilian soldiers)

So, while the Ottomains were busy dealing with the Crusaders up north, he swooped in and conquered Athens.

If only the Crusaders could stall the Ottomain troops longer, he could have made use of the opportunity to reclaim Thessaloniki and the other cities to connect the territories of the Eastern Romain Empire. That would at least put them in a better position.

However, the Crusaders suffered a tragic defeat to the Ottomains. The Ottomains proceeded to dispatch its main force southward, and Constantin XI had no choice but to retreat.

This brought him a step further away from his dream.

Upon returning to Constantinope, Constantin XI tried to implement changes, but he faced hurdles at every turn of the way. Officials and nobles strongly objected and even sabotaged his policies.

He couldn’t understand why the nobles refused to let go of their land outside the city despite knowing the Ottomains could claim them at any moment.

The Eastern Romain Empire’s greatest strength was its land-owning legions—and those nobles knew it—but they would rather clutch onto their land and squander their money on mercenaries than to share their wealth with their brethren.

To make things worse, Constantin XI couldn’t turn against the nobles.

Constantinope’s circle of nobility was complicated, such that dealing with even a single noble house could implicate many others. If he tried to subdue them with force, those nobles might even resort to colluding with the Ottomains and open the city gates for them!

Constantin XI already thought that Constantinope’s nobles were disgusting as they were, bu

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