Chapter 251: Friend of the Romains
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 251: Friend of the Romains (Teaser)

Amidst the crowd, a man wearing a cap was waiting at an exhibition’s entrance.

“Hey!” a crisp voice echoed from behind. “Little Chen, I’m over here!”

The man named Little Chen turned around, only to be dumbstruck by his relative’s dress-up.

“Aglipna, what’s with your clothes?”

The woman warmly waving to Little Chen had lush black hair and some facial features that resembled the people of the Central Plains, but there were differences too. She was clearly a Romain.

She wore a black lotus hat, a lion pendant, a bizarre cloak, and white bandages on her arm. She looked awfully out of place here.

“Hey!” Aglipna smiled. “Aren’t we visiting the Tianshan tunnel? I looked it up beforehand. The Tianshan’s tunnel is said to be the place closest to the netherworld. We’ll need to first receive the blessing of a god, or else the deceased spirits there might drag us to hell. Seres have many gods, so I bought a couple of different protective amulets.
(T/N: Seres refers to China.)

“This is from the nearby Black Lotus Buddha Monastery, “ Aglipna pointed