Chapter 212: Here to Save You All
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 212: Here to Save You All (Teaser)

The Deer Girl mounted her white deer and flitted to the city walls like a phantom. With tearful eyes, she clasped her hands and murmured a prayer for the dead. The sunlight shone on her face, making her look as impeccable as a fairy.

She was careful not to soil her clothes with blood.

But from the corpses, a sword suddenly plunged toward her. It had come from one of the terracotta soldiers emerging from the corpses.


The sword had pierced the Deer Girl, but the next instant, the sword stabbed into a neighboring terracotta soldier instead, causing dirt to spray everywhere.

“Grandson—” Miazova warned Shu Yichao. “She’ll be a tricky one. She’s at least capable of charm and spatial transference.”

The Deer Girl suddenly rushed toward them like a burst of wind.

“She’s coming! She definitely has speed enhancement too!”

Shu Yichao swung his modao down, his blade glowing brightly like a brilliant moon in the night sky. There was a flash of white light, and the Deer Girl was sliced into two.

“My attack fell empty?”

As a veteran player, Shu