Chapter 191: Lead the Way
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 191: Lead the Way (Teaser)

It was only when the exhausted Holywolf Warrior arrived at her base that she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Though she nearly choked when she tallied the casualties.

Less than 200 tribesmen had returned with her! That was as good as a wipeout!

Cries echoed throughout the tribes. They were not just crying for the deceased but for themselves too. Most households would struggle to survive now that they had lost their breadwinner.

The Icewolf Tribe and its vassal tribes would struggle for at least the next decade.

However, there was no time to grieve.

“Gather your items. We’ll be heading for the northern ice field,” the Holywolf Warrior ordered.

The chieftains were horrified to hear that.

“Khan, should we reconsider this matter? The ice field is… is…”

The ice field was a forbidden zone for the living! At least half of their tribesmen would freeze or starve to death if they spent their winter there.

“We have no choice. At least some of us will survive there. Those who stay here will die once the Tangs arrive!” the Holywolf Warrior expl