Chapter 174: Clearing Mobs
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 174: Clearing Mobs

The terracotta soldiers trudged through the Tibetan Plateau like a mudslide. The towering cliffs, the treacherous paths, and the thin mana couldn’t stop their footsteps.

But they couldn’t find a single living enemy.

After taking down Great and Little Patola, emulating Gao Xianzhi’s historical feat, Shu Yichao thought that since he had nothing better to do, he might as well attack a couple of Tibetan towns to unwind a little.

But after taking down a few towns, he found that there were no other targets.

Someone had struck faster than him.

Just as Miazova had guessed, the Tibetan army was clearing settlements on the Tibetan Plateau under the Tsenpo’s orders. They could hardly believe it when they first received the orders, as such opportunities to make a fortune were hard to come by.

Clearing away wild camps—yes yes, we all get it.

Kill everything, burn down all the houses, and steal all their fortunes. We can do whatever we want, no holds barred.

The higher-ups would usually stop them from plundering from the people, but this time, it was said that the Tsenpo herself had ordered it. To be honest, it sounded too good to be true.

But soon, the official edict came down. It really was the Tsenpo’s order!

The Tibetan soldiers were stunned, but they quickly cheered in frenzied joy. They hurriedly gathered their comrades together to chop down bewildered Tibetan nomads.

Admittedly, it is different from the Tsenpo’s order of ‘migrating the people and the livestock’, but the primary aim is to clear away the wild settlements, right? By that standard, we have achieved resounding success!

So, Shu Yichao and Miazova only saw bloodshed wherever they went.

“Wow, where did this Pol Pot pop out from?” Shu Yichao was rendered speechless.

He’s even more vicious than me.

A normal necromancer would have been overjoyed to stumble upon so many corpses without making a move themselves. It was like Jack was a son of Pol Pot—jackpot.

But Shu Yichao was not a normal necromancer, or rather, Beacons of the Otherworld was a weird game with baffli

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