Chapter 169: The Dead Is No Trouble
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 169: The Dead Is No Trouble

Karluk was a Tibetan Empire vassal, whereas Beiting was under the Tibetan Empire’s control. There was a commonality between these two places—they weren’t loyal to the Tibetan Empire.

If Anxi had been a normal Tang army, Tsenpo Ling would have let Karluk and Beiting fight it out with the Tangs.

If Karluk and Beiting won, the Tibetan Empire would resolve an external threat. If the Tangs won, the Tibetan Empire would resolve an internal threat.

Either way, it would have been a victory for the Tibetan Empire.

With the Tang army bulking up with each battle, Tsenpo Ling had to alert them to the situation. She needed the Tibetan troops stationed in Karluk and Beiting to clear the vicinity to minimize the terracotta army’s expansion.

At the very least, they shouldn’t feed the enemy more troops.

As for Shu Yichao’s side, she intended to feign interest in a negotiation to stall for time.

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

The subordinate took his leave and began making preparations.

Tsenpo Ling lay on her throne and let out a soft sigh. “What a pity, Weryomahners. You were a useful pawn.”

She didn’t think about exacting vengeance on Weryomahners even though the latter had botched up the mission she had assigned to her. She had no way of knowing Weryomahners’ fate as the latter didn’t have a beholder implanted.

But considering how Great and Little Patola had fallen into the enemy’s hands, and there had been a lack of news from Weryomahners… the answer was evident.

Tsenpo Ling didn’t think Weryomahners could have survived the onslaught of a million undead troops. Unlike ordinary mortals, she didn’t see mages through rose-tinted glasses, so she was aware of their mortality.

And she was at least quite forgiving to the dead.

At least the dead won’t cause trouble…

Ah, those terracotta soldiers prancing around don’t count.

Tsenpo Ling’s eyelid suddenly twitched.

“Men, bring Bibre to me! Hmph, I nearly forgot about that fellow. Know thy self, know thy enemy; a thousand battles, a thousand victories.”

There had to be a reason behind this c

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