Chapter 153: Lightning Shocker
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 153: Lightning Shocker

“Damn it! Why did it turn out like this?!”

Zhujubo’s city lord was a veteran who had spent half his life on the battlefield. He had suppressed slaves, curbed the Karluks, and clashed with the Uyghurs… but what happened today completely smashed his common sense.

The terracotta soldiers had no strategy or tactics when sieging cities; they were purely pushing their way forward by putting their lives on the line. When those at the frontline collapsed, those behind would quickly take their place and push forward.

With their bodies, they filled up the ditches and jammed up the moat, paving the way for other terracotta soldiers to reach the foot of the city wall.

To be frank, they still posed no threat to Zhujubo’s garrison troops.

Such cannon fodder had no chance of tearing down the city’s powerful barriers with their half-assed weapons.

However, more and more terracotta soldiers were gathering beneath the city walls, stacking higher and higher up. They were practically stepping on the bodies of their fallen comrades!

The garrison troops desperately unleashed their firepower on the terracotta soldiers, but it was to no avail. The bones and mud left behind by the defeated terracotta soldiers would only stack higher and higher.

In the end, the fallen terracotta soldiers formed a ramp leading straight to the city walls. A path was formed just like that!

“How is this possible?!” Zhujubo’s city lord could hardly believe his eyes.

A tinge of fear arose in his heart as he watched as the terracotta soldiers struggled to climb up the uneven ramp to reach the city walls.

A fearless undead army of such scale… can I really defeat them?

Zhujubo’s city lord had no time to consider this matter, for the terracotta soldiers were already charging up the ramp. He could only roar in anger, “Kill them! Hold your ground and drive them down! Don’t let those clay lumps get in! Split into teams!”

He was able to swiftly come up with a countermeasure in the spur of a moment.

With the formation of a ramp, it was no longer a typical fortress battle

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