Chapter 149: Terracotta Soldiers
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 149: Terracotta Soldiers

In the Western Region…

“Bro, where do you intend to head to next?” Miazova asked.

Shu Yichao had neither the skills nor the interest to govern a city, so he stationed a portion of the ghost horsemen there to work with the rebels to manage Shule.

The effects were shockingly good.

These ghost horsemen used to be part of the Tang army, so they unhesitatingly chose to adopt Great Tang’s system of governance. All of a sudden, it felt Shule had gone back in time.

Those from the other races also joyously welcomed the return of the Tang soldiers. They supported the reinstatement of Great Tang’s system of governance.

Both feudalism and slavery were viewed negatively in the modern era, but Great Tang still remained a beacon of hope for those living in this era. Feudalism might not be terrific, but it was much better than being enslaved!

Between two terrible choices, Shule’s populace unhesitantly chose the lesser evil.

After dumping all governance issues on the ghost horsemen, Shu Yichao, as the newly-appointed Anxi Protectorate General, only had one last thing to do—waging war!

He would continue fighting until he drove all the barbarians away.

The only problem was whom he should target next.

So far, the Anxi Protectorate had only occupied Shule and Kucha. It was still surrounded by enemies.

“Karasahr? Khotan? Or the Pamir Mountains?” Miazova asked.

Karasahr was east of Kucha. Khotan was south of Kucha. The Pamir Mountains were west of Shule.

There were different benefits to conquering these cities.

Karasahr had a sizable Tang population, being located close to the Western Region, so taking it down could bolster their forces.

Khotan, as one of Anxi’s four cities, was prosperous, and the people there had feelings of nostalgia for Great Tang. They could provide valuable aid to the Anxi army.

The Pamir Mountains were an important trading route to Central Asia. There was great value to conquering it.

Faced with this dilemma, Shu Yichao’s answer was:

“I want it all! I’ll make a huge profit if I can bring them down, but even if I f

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