Chapter 141: The Return of the King
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 141: The Return of the King

Under the dark red Tang flag, a warrior wearing black silver armor galloped across the city wall, slaying all Tibetan soldiers in his path.

Such was the sight that Zeng Lu and Abbot Palkyi saw.

For a moment, they wondered if they were dreaming.

For many years they had dreamed about this sight, only to be jolted awake at the peak of their excitement, with tears in their eyes.

Yet, when they found themselves in the pit of despair, the Tang flag suddenly emerged on Shule’s city wall… It was so convenient that they could hardly believe it was happening.

Zeng Lu trembled. Abbot Palkyi widened his eyes.

Could this be yet another dream? If it is, heaven, I’m begging you, please let us relish in it for a little longer.

But reality ripped through their confusion, telling them with an unwavering tone that this was not a dream.

The modao was evidence!


The snowy-white blade sliced across the dark nightscape, its brilliant reflection pricking everyone’s nerves.

After securing the city gates, Shu Yichao eyed the minimap—the green dots were still flickering. Tightening his grip on his modao, he charged toward where the green dots were.

He utilized the still flying skeletons as stepping stones, maneuvering around with nimbleness reminiscent of a lively bird flying from branch to branch. With every leap he made, he brought despair and death upon the Tibetans.


A Tibetan soldier who failed to dodge in time was sliced into two.


A mage erected a barrier, but the modao easily sliced through the barrier and the mage within.

Wherever he went, enemies crumbled.

It was an uncanny scene.

To the backdrop of dancing black lotuses, the black silver knight crossed a path of white bones adorned with blossoming blood roses.


Screams of agony echoed from the distant east gate. Those were the most miserable sounds the Tibetan soldiers there had ever made in their lives.

“The Tang army has gotten in!”

“Monsters! They are monsters!”

“Spare me, sp—”


Shule shook intensely, causing some of the houses’ roof tiles to fall an

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