Chapter 132: A Nameless Tang Army Approaches the City
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 132: A Nameless Tang Army Approaches the City

In a sentry tower, a Tibetan soldier widened his eyes in shock when he saw a cloud of dust heading in their direction.

“What’s that?!”

“That looks like cavalrymen?” the soldier beside him murmured in uncertainty.

“Is it the Karluks? I didn’t hear anything about them dispatching troops here.”

While the two soldiers were discussing the matter, their commander rushed up the tower after hearing the sounds of the horse hooves. His eyes immediately widened.

“Tang?!” Unlike the illiterate soldiers, the commander, as a slave owner, was still learned to some degree. “Is it the Tang bandits?!”

The commander felt like he had been struck by a lightning spell.

“Why are they suddenly popping out again?”

While the commander was in shock, something even more terrifying happened. The earth started quaking. Little pebbles on the floor wouldn’t stop jumping up and down. Dust rose from the earth as if a prelude to a catastrophe.

“How many people do they have?” The commander was flabbergasted.

Even though the enemies were hidden amidst the cloud of dust, he could tell with a brief glance that the enemy was at least 100,000-men strong!

“…Quick!” the commander exclaimed with a hoarse voice. “Release the pigeons! Tell them that the Tang army is back with 100,000 troops! A whole 100,000 troops!”

The soldiers quickly got to action. They ran down the sentry tower, headed to the stallions, and leaped onto a horse each. They even fought over who should ride which horse.

“What are you doing?!” the commander roared.

“Commander, this is an urgent matter! We have to report it to the vice city lord in person!” a soldier replied.

Report in person your head! You’re obviously trying to escape!

“Hold it right there!” the commander roared in anger.

But not a soldier listened to him, which further fanned his anger.

“Atrocious! Those cowards! They are deserters! At least leave a steed for me!”

The commander was too engrossed with cursing the soldiers that he didn’t notice an army of ghost horsemen swiftly approaching them. Neither the fleeing soldiers nor

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