Chapter 101: The Eternal City - Rome
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Loser System and Berserker Me Chapter 101: The Eternal City - Rome

“Are you sure you aren’t joking with me?!” Charlemagne widened her eyes in disbelief as she looked at the map.

“Your Majesty,” one of the holy warriors under her command replied, “I am not joking. Tens of thousands of soldiers have escaped from the frontline, and the Eternal City is filled with pitiful people who have been scared out of their wits. Mounds of corpses could be seen everywhere.

“There’s no doubt that the Scourge of God is pressing close. For some reason, he’s more familiar with the local terrain than we could have imagined. He is always able to attack from unfathomable angles. He knows of roads that even locals are unaware about.

“Also, the Genoese appear to have thrown their lot with him…”

After collating news from multiple sources, Charlemagne was forced to concede that the legendary Scourge of God was even more formidable than she had imagined. In less than a week, she had already lost more than half of her army of 400,000.

Many kings, dukes, counts, and important figures had lost their lives too.

“Those bunch of useless people!” Charlemagne murmured in displeasure. “I thought that they could at least whittle down the Khitan Caesar’s forces, but they aren’t even capable of that.”

She shook her head. “These descendants are more useless than I could have imagined. It looks like I’ll have to personally make a move.”

Her lips curled into a smile.

“Very well, I shall see in person what you, the Scourge of God, are capable of. Let’s go.” Charlemagne turned to the holy warrior. “Gather my army of Holy Warriors. Tell them that it’s time for them to offer their bodies to their emperor.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” the holy warrior replied.

Gathered around a campfire were brawny men either quietly wiping the weapons in their hands or enjoying their fragrant wine. Their massive physiques, firm muscles, and crimson eyes made it clear that they would be an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

Tak tak…

The holy warrior arrived at the entrance of the camp.

All the brawny men turned to the holy warrior like metal pie

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