Chapter 1623 - Dai Mengfan
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Legend of the Great Sage Chapter 1623 - Dai Mengfan

Right down the middle of Myriad city, there was a lofty hall only second to the Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes in height, connected to a large expanse of structures on the waist of the mountain, beautifully designed with an extraordinary style. The Pavilion of Heavenly Tomes seemed to reach for the skies from below, while these structures seemed to gaze down with dignity.

If the Myriad sect were a country, a country of cultivators, then Myriad city would be their capital city and these structures would be the centre of government, something similar to the forbidden city or the parliament, responsible for managing all affairs both inside the city and inside the country. It was called the Direct Disciple hall.

As the name suggested, it was a hall for direct disciples. The Myriad sect was ruled jointly by the direct disciples, so their statuses went without saying. All of the affairs of the sect were handled there, including the disputes between direct disciples, which were all mediated there.

In the main hall of the Direct Disciple hall, a female cultivator furrowed her brows as she wrote away rapidly.

She wore a fine, reddish-violet dress, and her sleek, black hair was tied high up on her head, layered like clouds, contrasting against her snowy skin. She was definitely a rare beauty across the entire world, but her expression was also stern and dignified and her bearing was solemn and noble, giving her the aura of an empress.

The long table before her just happened to lie along the middle of Myriad city as well as the Direct Disciple hall.

She was the third senior sister in charge of the Direct Disciple hall, Dai Mengfan.

That was because no matter who became the first senior brother, she would always be the third senior sister, so she was informally regarded as the eternal third senior sister, or perhaps teased by the direct disciples as number three for all eternity.

If the first senior brother was the lord of the country, controlling the army and waging wars everywhere, then she was the chancellor, dealing wi

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