Book 03 Chapter 035: Going to Siberia to Start an Orphanage
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Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group? Book 03 Chapter 035: Going to Siberia to Start an Orphanage

He Who Knows Fate: Adorable? I can tell you have not experienced being the target of a yandere. Actually, I’m not afraid of her hurting me or my family—no, wait, I don’t have a family.

Faillen Angel Gabriel: Ah…this… It sounds terrible.

Iron Fist Teacher: Don’t you still have an ancestor?

He Who Knows Fate: Although I do not have a family, I still have Sirin and Jeanne d’Arc staying with me. I cannot let that person know about them. I already know she is a yandere. Had I not known, I could still pretend she was an obedient younger sister. In fact, I previously thought she had an detached personality. I did not expect her to have the potential to be a yandere.

Blank Never Loses: A child? To think you abandoned her after abusing her!

He Who Knows Fate: What do you mean abandoned her after abusing her? Actually, I feel she does not feel love towards me, just overreliance.

Kal’tsit: When are you coming over?

He Who Knows Fate: How about now?

Kal’tsit: Now? That urgent? Sure.

He Who Knows Fate: Excellent. I’ll go pack up before coming over. Remember to approve my transmigration application. I’ll pay for the travel expenses this time.

Kal’tsit: Alright.

After exiting the chat group interface, Chen Heng had already decided to seek refuge in Kal’tsit’s world. Before he went, he had to prepare meals for Sirin, Jeanne d’Arc, and Fafnir for the next few days.

Chen Heng dashed back to his house. He saw the two thoughtless beauties still playing games, and Fafnir continued to snack.

“Jeanne d’Arc, Sirin, come over for a while. Pause the game for a moment.”

“Please, not every game can be paused, alright? This is an online game.”

“…Alright. Keep playing while I speak, then. I’m going to go out in a while.”

“Elder Brother, didn’t you just return? Why are you going out again?”

“I’m not just leaving for a while this time. I’m leaving for a few days, and my return date is open. Furthermore, I can’t bring you two.”

Actually, Chen Heng could bring Jeanne d’Arc. After all, Jeanne d’Arc belonged to him; she was something like a sum

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