Chapter 271: The Craziest Curse
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 271: The Craziest Curse (Teaser)

Gao Ming wanted to enter Situ An’s home, but he had no idea where to start. The two doctors hugged each other as if they were ready to die together. Gao Ming frowned. Gao Ming felt like they didn’t understand him. He wanted the big dog to be his translator, but the big dog didn’t dare to come out of the shadow. He was afraid that he’d be kicked into the torture room by Gao Ming. The big dog was clear-minded. He saved Gao Ming because he knew what kind of person Gao Ming was. He didn’t go close because he knew what kind of person Gao Ming was.

“Never mind. I won’t force you.” Gao Ming took Xuan Wen’s wedding picture out of his pocket. This death portrait had changed a lot from when he first found it. In the picture, Gao Ming was colourful. Xuan Wen’s dress started to gain colour, but her skin was as pale as death.

Gao Ming showed the picture to the two doctors. Gao Ming pointed at the kid in their picture and then at Xuan Wen, “The child is your family, and she is my family. Have you seen her at the hospital?”

After multiple explana