Chapter 250: Map
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 250: Map (Teaser)

Li San Hospital showed its true self after dark. The nightmare from the video was slowly coming true in real life. The people trapped in the hospital couldn’t differentiate between the two. Were they trapped in the nightmare and couldn’t wake up, or had their lives turned into nightmares?

“Go to the inpatient wards on the seventh floor!”

The mutation speed of Li San Hospital’s back building was fast. This was different from the other horror scenarios Xuan Wen had encountered. Normally, the horror story would slowly infiltrate the real world after midnight. However, the hospital’s back building was like it came from the shadow world. Su Mo was numb. The back building was scary for the ghosts, much less the humans.

The internally twisted Chen Meng and Mr. Yi, with his strange appearance, as well as the two kid patients, ran so fast. Even they were scared. Su Mo gasped for air. He didn’t have the guts to observe his surroundings. He focused on running until the person before him stopped. He turned around subconsciously. He saw the corridor