Chapter 236: Treatment
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 236: Treatment

The pretty lady put on the white coat and invited him to be her patient. Su Mo almost subconsciously nodded. He was not sick, but he hadn’t had that experience before, so he wanted to give it a try.

“Are you serious?” His arms numbed. The door opened a small gap. The monster’s bloody fingers squeezed in. Su Mo looked at the approaching fingers and gritted his teeth nervously. The scent of blood pulled him back to reality, “Help!”

“Let him in. I might not be a doctor, but my job is related to psychology,” Xuan Wen stopped teasing Su Mo. She leaned back in the chair in a relaxed pose. The door was slowly pushed open. Su Mo tried his best, but the scary face still appeared inside the room. The patient’s strength far surpassed that of a normal human. Su Mo could hold on for so long because he had been blessed by the shadow world multiple times.

“So sleepy…”

The cracked lips slowly approached Su Mo. The sunken eyes were like two dark pools. The monster’s ten fingers trembled. It was as if only murder could relieve him. Su Mo was forced to the corner. He was so frightened by the monster that his mind was blank. “It’s over now…”

“The doctor is here. Come and sit down.” Xuan Wen said softly, grabbing the patient’s attention.

With the back of his brain dragging on the ground, the monster slowly turned his body. When he saw Xuan Wen, he became agitated, “Doctor! Doctor! I’m so sleepy!” He trundled over to the table. His hands slammed on the table. If not for the table, he might jump on Xuan Wen.

“Sit.” Xuan Wen scanned the patient with absolute expertise.

The patient wore a patient’s garb on the outside, but the staff uniform was on the inside. The main mutation was on his head.

“Tell me about your symptoms.”

“I can’t sleep no matter what. Once I lay in bed, I’ll hear many different voices. They first appear in my room, then on my bed, and finally inside my head! They have been arguing nonstop, even now!” The patient waved his fingers as his expression became more painful.

“What are they arguing about? Can you tel

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