Chapter 199: Game Start
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 199: Game Start

After Li Chun’s parents passed away, he inherited Chun Tian Apartments. He quit his job and survived by collecting rent. Being a landlord made him bored with life, so he started making modifications to the apartment. Using the equipment he got from Xin Lu, he hacked into his renter’s cheap family surveillance system. Every day, he would hide in his bedroom to spy on his renter’s lives. Of all his renters, he liked Cai Meimei the most. She satisfied every imagination he had about the female body.

For the past few days, when Cai Meimei was missing, he was more anxious than anyone else. He had no appetite and gained a temper. He kept cursing the things around him, believing that Cai Meimei had gotten a new boyfriend. Just as he was thinking about how to punish that woman, Cai Meimei returned home. Her body was drenched, and she looked so scared and lost.

“Did she break up with her boyfriend?” Li Chun hid behind his door and listened to the footsteps in the corridor. He imagined the shoes stepping on his body. Once he heard Cai Meimei close her door, he quickly rushed into his bedroom and switched on the hacking device he got from Xin Lu Black Market. Li Chun bit his fingers as he stared at the screen. He wished he could take a bite on Cai Meimei’s body.

The wet clothes dropped to the ground. Finally, the underwear was removed as well. Li Chun saw everything on screen. He lost his mind. He didn’t even care about being discovered and took control of the cameras. He didn’t want to miss even a frame of Cai Meimei.

“When I get to know her routine better, I’ll hide under her bed. No. I’ll hide in her dresser with the clothes covered in her scent!” Li Chun was so excited as the imagined images filled his mind. He took out the pictures he had snapped in secret from the drawer. As he moved to tape the pictures beside the monitor, he suddenly saw Cai Meimei’s body contorting like crazy on the screen. Li Chen’s eyes widened. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, “She… She…”

The human faces fought to surface on Cai Meimei’

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