Chapter 197: Stars
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 197: Stars

In the future seen by Gao Ming, Xia Yang and Situ An were two crucial members. They represented the chaotic freedom and evil in order. However, their fates were now bound to Gao Ming. Gao Ming took out his phone. After he confirmed the line was back to normal, he made a call. The person answered at the first ring. Wen Xuan’s voice came through, “Where are you? Are you injured?”

“I’m fine. How many internal users does Dead Water Forum have now?” Internal users were the names given by Gao Ming to the players. Those who survived at least one anomaly and understood the hints would become the forum’s internal users.

“There are more than 50 registered users. Around 12 of them are more valuable.”

“In the next few days, the number of forum users might explode. Be careful when filtering them.” Gao Ming sent Wen Xuan some gaming design ideas. These games were mostly at Level 2 Anomaly. They were suitable for newbies. They were useless for people from Class 13.

After receiving the files, Wen Xuan noticed a silence from Gao Ming. She sent him an emoji, “Is there anything else?”

“How is the game using your life as inspiration coming along?” Gao Ming wanted to use the game to make more people remember Wen Xuan. He turned the game into an altar, replicating the path employed by the ghosts from Xin Lu.

“I’m just throwing money at the production. I’ve already borrowed everything I could from the underground sharks at Han Hai,” Wen Xuan said casually.

“The game itself doesn’t need perfect production. The important part is the marketing so that more people can know and experience it.” Gao Ming sent Wen Xuan another document.

“That doesn’t sound like what a game designer should say. What’s wrong? Have you forgotten why you entered this industry?” Wen Xuan pointed out.

“I plan to add some new content to your game so that your game can predict the future to a certain degree. In other words, players can survive longer by playing your game. I refuse to believe other game companies can outsell us.” Gao Ming didn’t pick up the mess

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