Chapter 145: You Cannot Be So Happy
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 145: You Cannot Be So Happy

You Liang had always been a happy child. He didn’t seem to be troubled by anything. He represented everything that was good about childhood: Innocence, happiness and a curiosity about everything. He could easily forget things that made him unhappy. His life was joyful and bright.

In the class, You Liang was the naughty child that gave the teacher headaches. He stood out in the class. He was not bound by rules and an imaginative personality. Theoretically, a kid like him should be monitored sternly and closely, but he met the most important person in his life, Yan Xizhi.

The headmistress didn’t raise him according to the standard educational method. Instead, she encouraged him to discover the beauty of the world around him. She wanted him to use his power to influence more kids.
Headmistress Yan knew from the start that You Liang was purposely scoring the last in class. Compared to being the first, he just wanted to be the last. This was because, in the past, the students who scored the worst would always be the kids with mental deficiency. Even though everyone encouraged them, they knew that they were incomparable to the other, better kids.

You Liang befriended them. His mindset was simple. There had to be someone who scored the worst. In that case, he would take that position. It was not easy to do the worst in the examinations. Even if he guessed randomly, he might still get a few correct answers. Therefore, he studied hard to know the correct answers so he could avoid them.

After he graduated and entered the society, You Liang’s happiness and careless nature contradicted the society. He had his own dreams and ambitions. He didn’t like being tied down at a fixed job. He had no savings and home, so he wandered everywhere. He treated the city as his theme park. He liked to help others and often volunteered. His passion was infectious. He was like a special flame, radiating brilliant rays of light.

When he was 20 plus, You Liang found love. His girlfriend was beautiful both inside and outside. They knew each ot

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