Chapter 143: The Red Badge
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Horror Game Designer Chapter 143: The Red Badge

“Zuo Jun represents Situ An’s rules, Liu Yi wants to use the school rules, and the other classmates might have their own plan.” Gao Ming didn’t dare to underestimate anyone in Class 13. Everyone had their own secrets and goals. In contrast, the ghosts mixed among them felt more innocent.

Standing in the corridor near the female toilet, Gao Ming held the rails and studied Chu Shi Biao. The passing female students hurried on by as they passed by him.

“Gao Ming, let’s go eat!” His phone vibrated. Xi San messaged him through the group chat.

“You can go first. I’ll go with Liu Yi later.” Once Gao Ming sent the message, Xi San replied with a video of Gao Ming holding a book in the corridor near the window. Gao Ming poked his head out the window and saw Xi San and Wang Jie waving at him from downstairs.

“Do you need to be so hardworking? You actually went to the girl’s toilet to study behind our backs?!”

“If I want to study, I won’t choose such a location.” Gao Ming closed the window. He was honestly curious how someone like Xi San could survive until now.

More students left the math building, but Liu Yi still hadn’t come out of the toilet. Gao Ming sent her a few messages, but there was no reply. He stood at the toilet door and shouted in. Everyone in the toilet seemed to have disappeared.

“It’s not dark yet. Big dog won’t be willing to come out.” With some helplessness, Gao Ming messaged Zhou Sisi to ask for a favour. 10 minutes later, Zhou Sisi came back to the math building from the canteen. She held an unfinished bowl of noodles, two biscuits and some chilli oil stuck to her lips.

“Did you bring those biscuits for me?”

“I saw them when I was leaving the canteen. I assume you haven’t eaten.” Zhou Sisi didn’t dare to meet Gao Ming’s eyes. Her heart was conflicted. She knew Gao Ming was the music box killer, but she didn’t think he’d do such a thing either.

“Thank you. I’ll do my best to protect you.” Gao Ming didn’t give any crazy promises. However, in a school where people only cared for themselves, Gao Ming

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