Chapter 73: They Have Cheats Too!
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 73: They Have Cheats Too! (Teaser)

An ocher crystal gleamed with a metallic sheen, its long, sharp spikes extending and retracting intermittently.

Liu Ji stared at it, swallowing nervously.

This was a pure earth elemental spirit.

This was clearly earth (element), yet it had a metallic luster and was covered in sharp spikes…

It looked painful to bite into, and chewing would probably be worse.

Noticing Liu Ji's constipated expression, Yaine asked, "Are you sure you can eat that? Don't choke on it. Cali's not here, and I won't be able to heal you."

"Uh, I'll be careful and have a tiny bite first…" Liu Ji said, cupping the pure elemental spirit and squatting down. Recalling the impulse he had when transforming into a burrowrat, Liu turned into a green armadillo of sorts.

Then, with tiny paws, he brought the pure elemental spirit to his mouth and took a small nibble.



Still, with some effort, Liu Ji could bite into it, though chewing was tougher; it was like gnawing on frozen meat.

More surprising was that although there wasn't any taste, Liu Ji, in his burr