Chapter 71: What Army?
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Witnessing the chaos all around and the tower sealed off completely by thick stone slabs left Liu Ji at a loss. Such a spectacle was only something he thought he would see in movies.

Layer upon layer of heavy structures turned the entire area into a vast labyrinth. The exterior was divided into passageways by concentric structures, while the interior contained corridors for passage. The complexity of the terrain was overwhelming just at a glance.

Even Yaine was frowning as she surveyed the area, let alone Liu Ji.

Hmm, this structure seems designed to fend off external invaders, Yaine mused, rubbing her chin. Strange, why would it activate now? Could there really be an external threat?

While she was in thought, the sound of synchronized footfall came from a nearby path.

The two of them turned in the direction of sound, only to see a group of Earthwalker soldiers with glowing golden eyes charging toward them.

Upon seeing this, Liu Ji readied himself for battle but was pulled aside by Yaine.

"Hold on, let's observe what their intentions