Chapter 54: Relying on Outdated Info from a Reclusive Old Man
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 54: Relying on Outdated Info from a Reclusive Old Man

Liu Ji felt that it was strange. The little potatoes, who usually chirped away whenever they emerged from the ground, had been eerily quiet ever since the mud splattered on them.

Could there be something wrong with this swamp? Liu Ji suddenly had a sense of worry.

But… Apart from the abundance of mosquitoes, nothing seemed out of the ordinary on their journey so far.

Myza had also said that this was an ordinary swamp that had been unchanged for several thousand years. It was just the dilapidated bridge that made them uneasy.

Roughly 10 minutes later, the group crossed the ruins of the long stone bridge and reached the first safe spot in the swamp.

It was a stone mound, roughly the size of a football field. The surface seemed to have been artificially leveled and it was covered in moss, which probably meant it had been abandoned for a long time.

Yaine checked the map, then surveyed the area before saying with a frown, "Indeed, Mr. Myza's information is already outdated. The map says this was a rest stop, but now there's not even a foundation left."

"It might not just be the passage of time. He mentioned before that even the desert used to be something else," Calidora added. "This route directly leads to the desert, but perhaps, after it became a desert, the path was gradually abandoned."

"Hmm… That makes sense." Yaine sighed, looking up front. "The road ahead will be tough…"

According to the map, for the upcoming journey, they needed to rent a local creature called a swamp turtle from the rest stop to pull them through the swamp on sleds.

But now, there wasn't even a single bird on this barren stone hill, much less any swamp turtles.

In the short term, Yaine could use magic to create a path, but her mana would eventually run out. The swamp's terrain wouldn't support earthen platforms either as they would slowly sink.

"If only Nox was here. His summoned beasts are perfect for this," Girunini muttered.

"If worse comes to worst, Calidora and I will have to take turns making paths." Yaine sighed. "Just thinking about it

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