Chapter 52: The Starch in Our Blood Connects Us
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 52: The Starch in Our Blood Connects Us

It is said that a woman's mind is truly a mystery.

Yaine had been gloomy throughout their journey, which left Liu Ji completely baffled. But once they exited the desert and climbed the cliff, she was suddenly all smiles, walking with a spring in her step.

It really was bizarre.

What's this supposed to be? Desert anxiety?

Is staying in the desert that uncomfortable?

But that doesn't make sense; she never showed any signs before this. Could it be an acute condition?

Liu Ji couldn't figure it out, and neither could the others. Osar and Girunini had been whispering about Yaine's odd demeanor during the journey. Now, with her sudden 180-degree mood shift and the bright expression they hadn't seen since their escape, the two of them were left dumbfounded.

Mervant, however, remained oblivious, being the most straightforward man among them. He simply held the map and compass, acting as a living GPS.

Calidora, though, seemed to have some understanding of the situation. However, she didn't say anything and just wore a gentle smile.

Under this strange atmosphere, the group followed Yaine through the dense forest toward the small wooden house where they had left their beacon.

As they neared the house, about a hundred meters away, Yaine suddenly halted and motioned everyone to stop.

Without a word, everyone but Liu Ji went into combat mode. Mervant vanished into the shadows, disappearing in an instant.

Although Liu Ji was slow to react, he wasn't stupid. Sensing something was off, he flashed to the front of the group, surprising everyone.

Yes, to the front. This was something Myza had taught him.

For a novice like him, the best way to use his body was to charge forward as a meat shield. Without feeling pain or worrying about injuries, his job was to take the hits, as long as he could absorb the damage.

As everyone was stunned by Liu Ji's strange move, Mervant reappeared from the darkness, saying subtly, "I don't think you guys have to be so tenseā€¦ I think, uh, those guys aren't a threat."

"Are you sure?" Yaine asked.

"Yeah, 9

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